Purging The Past

When you purge, you create change.

Are you open to receive change? Are you ready to walk away with a greater sense of alignment, awareness and authenticity?

Purging the Past with Ali Levine and Symmone Gordon is a double-layered journey of breakthrough and transformation through detailed astrological readings, energetic and vibrational readings of wardrobes, and guided breath work.

The 90 minute event includes 6 private sessions, as well as shared breath work and an open Q&A for all attendees.


Let’s Soaak in Sound Frequency & Remember Our Light.

Learn about sound frequency and what it is with Laura Widney. Be sure to use Ali’s code ALI70 for 70% off for the first month on any membership! Go SOAAK it UP!


Ali Levine X Taja Collection

Inhale mom chill, exhale mom guilt. Smudge away your stress with the new Ali X Taja Smudge Kit! The kit comes in a mini vase which includes Sage, Lavender, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Selenite, Palo Santo, Agate, and Fluorite! Use code ALILEVINE for free shipping!